Program and Resource Management – Glotech
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Program and Resource Management

Program and Resource Management

GLOTECH is an experienced government prime contractor capable of managing large IDIQ contracts consisting of multiple task orders of varying complexity as well as managing multiple sub-contractors.  We are the managing entity of the a number of joint ventures where we currently manage over 200 task orders. GLOTECH is an ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO 20000 compliant and CMMI Maturity Level 3 appraised company that is well versed in ITIL v3 and Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) principles and processes which are integrated into all of our programs. GLOTECH implements a strategic service concept designed to ensure program success through strong oversight of all aspects of IT service delivery and contract management. Our management approach includes incorporating commercially available products such as SharePoint as well as Financial Dashboards to manage and monitor program progress.  This approach has proved successful in our ability to manage multiple high volume contracts consisting of diverse teams. Our corporate infrastructure utilizes approved industry standard systems for accounting, purchasing and EVM.

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